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ERP IT方案 电玩

footer_actions 是netsuite中 所有系统列表form页面都存在的对象,就是页脚那些可以用来排序,过滤等等的对象,我们可以对这些对象进行操作,包括定制,系统完成您操作后的动态刷新当前页面的功能。这个四个对象是包括在form:foot_actions中的,是四个隐藏的对象,在界面上无法查看到,是系统内置的用来动态管理其自身功能的变量。比如在导出时候:document.forms['...
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While we have team to maintain same project and (some times) same file, we use git commit to track feature by feature(or update by update) refinements/updates.  Each commit will pass to testing team for testing(usually testing in sandbox before deployment/release to Production), 

- There are chances of deploy multiple commits, after testing and confirm

- There can be few days or weeks after the commit been deploy/release to Production.

-- At that time, we might already forget where and when the last update has been made(even sometimes the feature/refinement has been forgotten), where is the last production version/status

- So here comes the challenge:

How to use Git branch to maintain the tesing commit to released PRD status?
Is there any comment or tag to show the status of the deployment to PRD
or the deployment note?
Use Tag?

The light way, fast way to do this can be git tag, we can create a simple tag AT deployment date/process.

By doing that, we track the last deployment commit/point; so we knows where is the status in Production, and the lasttest commit(s) in the branch log.  Each to refresh the memory on what updates has been made in sandbox(i.e.)

Detail operation, we can reference on the git tag usage, I.e. this article https://www.codenong.com/cs106325649/

How to given more note/description for Deployment Notes/Steps(some times it related with new custom objects), git tag has the comment paramter, the other way is to keep the deployment note in the commit message.

The other ways is using Branch to track the production status, but that will consume more times between deployment process, we can choose this option in same cases, depends on the project situation.

function SyncQtyRate()206{207 var form = document.forms['item_form'];208 // Make sure all the fields are there. Otherwise, bail out.209 if (!(form.elements['rateschedule'] && form.elements['quantity']...
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function nlapiValidateField(type, fld, optionswin, linenum){var isValid = true;if (optionswin != null)optwin = optionswin;if (nsapiGetMainForm( ).elements.nlapiVF != null && nsapiGetMainForm( ).elemen...
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ListIN_InventoryNumber_INTERNALID(this) 用来把多选的列表框div构造出来 SearchIN_InventoryNumber_INTERNALID(document.forms['main_form'].elements.IN_InventoryNumber_INTERNALID_display.value) //用来把internalid传递给弹出的...
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重复利用:popupBinDiv(document.forms['item_form'].elements['itembinlist'].value,document.forms['inventory_form'].elements['binnumbers'], 0, document.forms['inventory_form'].elements['adjustqtyby']);显然netsu...
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https://system.netsuite.com/app/common/custom/custrecordentry.nl?rectype=34&pf=CUSTRECORD_LOSE&pi=1282&pr=-30&cf=14rectype=34 代表记录类型的internalidpf=CUSTRECORD_LOSE 代表记录类型名称pi=1282 代表isparent的关联的单据intern...
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function isTabShown(tname) { return document.all[tname+'_div'] == null || document.all[tname+'_div'].style.visibility == 'visible'; } 用来校验是否显示的状态。 下面这个在IE7中都能兼容: function ShowHideTab(tname,shown) { ...
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什幺是 Google 企业应用套件? 了解更多 | 注册 Google 企业应用套件包含一系列面向企业、基于 Web 的生产性服务,它提供有功能强大的通信和协作工具。 Google 企业应用套件包括: 企业 Gmail - 向您所在域的电子邮件地址发送和接收电子邮件。 日历 - 同步计划并共享事件。 即时消息 - 通过 Google Talk 插件保持联系和展开合作。 文档 - 实时创建在线文档...
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